Sunday, 29 July 2012

Type, Signature and Visibility

The Type of an attribute specifies the range of values the attribute can take and the operations that can be applied to the attributes.
Given an operation, the tuple made out of the types of its parameters and the type of the return value is the Signature. Signatures are generally defined for operations.
The Visibility of an attribute or an operation is a mechanism for specifying whether other classes can use the attribute or the operation or not. In general there are three levels of visibility:
Private Attribute or Operation     (indicated by ‘-‘)
Protected Attribute or Operation (indicated by ‘#‘)
Public Attribute or Operation      (indicated by ‘+‘)

In this step we identify the constraints for each operation in each class. The conditions to perform an operation and to complete an operation are to be known to describe the operations. The various Pre and Post conditions of the system are as follows:

/* to login purpose user must register first */

Context: user:: register(id)  pre:
/* to communicate with user client in a LAN we need to establish a connection. */

Context: user:: connect(client)  pre:

/* disconnection is complete only after finishing the chatting */
Context: user:: server disconnection () post:

Invariants and Inheriting Contracts:
Invariants are complicated conditions that are implemented during the design that enables the developer to generate the code easily. In the present system there are no such combinations of conditions to describe

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