Sunday, 29 July 2012

User Interface and Characteristics

i)              Usability:
v      The should provide a help document and user manual
v      Onscreen should also provide for handling all the operations.
ii)            Reliability:
The system must be reliable to encrypt or decrypt every large file like 1GB
iii)          Performance:
It produces fastest block ciphers in wide spread use, except when changing keys.
iv)          Supportability:
This constraint is not a problem even for older desktop and laptop computers, though it does prevent use in the smallest embedded systems such as early smartcards.
v)            Implementation:
v      The system should be implemented in windows based   Program.
v      The system should support all operating systems
vi)          Interface:
The user interface must be easy to operate and with rich color combination.
vii)        Packaging:
v      A windows installer with installation manual must produce.
v      A test user’s manual must also be providing.
viii)      Legal Constraints:
                        Legal constraints not considered for small projects

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