Sunday, 29 July 2012

Design Goals in CCFD

A design goal is a quality that the system should optimize. Design goals are often inferred from non-functional requirements and are used to guide design decisions. Examples of Design goals include usability, reliability, security and safety. The following are the design goals that are to be met during the design of the system under consideration:
Response Time: The proposed system should be very responsive as it is a stand-alone system and involves no client/server interactions.
Usability: Users capable of handling simple GUI’s must be able to use the system
Reliability: Users may rely on the system for an effective and secure data hiding and distribution. Hence the schemes should be guaranteed for security.
Cost: Since the proposed system is a free ware. No high development and maintenance costs should be incurred.
Portability: As the system is targeted for developing using .net, Platform portability is inherited into the system by default.

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