Thursday, 16 August 2012

Scheduling & Requirements of MOBILE BANK

                  To develop this project I have follows the following schedule to fulfill project requirement including documentation with strong testing:
Analysis: 15 days 
Design: 15 days 
Coding: 1 Month
Testing: 15 days
Documentation: 5 days 
Therefore I have taken 3 months to develop my successful project.

              The functional requirement of the system defines a function of software system or its components. A function is described as set of inputs, behavior of a system and output.
·        Timeline should not be disturbed.
·        Fast and efficient.
·        Computationally simple.

                      A non-functional requirement in software engineering presents systematic and pragmatic approach to ‘building quality into software systems’. System must exhibit software quality attributes such as accuracy, performance, security and modifiability.
·        Response time: Time taken by the user to get output.
·        The NOVAL –SCP system provides user friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface).
·        Memory usage: It is total amount of memory used by the system.

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